Provisions and Buzz Co. | Baldwin Park, Orlando, Fl | 2022

Provisions and Buzz Co. | Baldwin Park, Orlando, Fl | 2022

Calling Provisions and Buzz Co. a restaurant is an understatement. This is an instant classic; you’ll understand what we mean upon the first bite you take on your next visit. It’s not very often that we walk into a restaurant whose main priority, other than food, is their staff and local community. At Provisions and Buzz Co. that’s exactly the mentality. Because of this mentality, this ethical viewpoint of their staff and local community, they’re able to produce some of the most impressive cuisine in the area.

A happier environment for their employees, means that we all reap the benefits in the form of delicious food and drinks. Daniel Ryan is the executive chef and part owner that brings his impressive culinary experience to Baldwin Park, in Orlando, Fl. Daniel has worked in Michelin star restaurants in New York and was on season 11 of Hell’s Kitchen. You can believe us when we tell you how lucky we are to have Provisions and Buzz Co. in our community.

The New Provisions And Buzz Co.

It’s noteworthy to express that Provisions and Buzz Co. has recently undergone a shift in ownership. Before this transition, it had gone a bit downhill. The new owners must love a challenge because they’re coming back with a vengeance, and we’re guessing that this new Provisions and Buzz Co. will become a force to be reckoned with. If you walk into their establishment now, you’ll notice an immediate change in decoration, ambiance, and attitude; all positive.

This is attention to detail at it’s highest level, in a comfortable atmosphere, at a reasonable price. When we first walked in, the worthwhile improvements were noticeable immediately. This was a bit of a shock considering that just a few years ago this would not have been the case. The staff is prompt, happy, and eager to help. The food was brought out quick, hot, and perfectly cooked to the customers specifications.

Chef Dan and Bar Manager Eric were both extremely happy to see us and were eager to make sure everyone was beyond satisfied. You can tell from the carefully curated wine list (filled with wines not available at retail), astonishingly inspiring cocktails, and wonderful dishes that Provisions and Buzz Co. is fighting with everything they’ve got.

Provisions And Buzz Co. Small Plates

We were first served the Tomato and Burrata Salad. Burrata cheese is an Italian, cow milk, soft cheese. Provisions and Buzz Co. combines the burrata with fresh heirloom tomatoes, drizzles it with balsamic, and tops it with fresh homemade crostini’s. We’ve never had burrata cheese before and we were pleasantly surprised at how delicious this small plate was. It is the perfect balance of creamy, cheesy, and salty. This is a dish that anyone will love. We were sad when we looked down and it was all gone. When you pay them a visit, please order this small plate. You won’t be sorry.

The next small plate we were served was the Fried Brussel Caesar. Wow, another homerun. If you’re a fan of brussel sprouts, you HAVE to try this. The brussel sprouts are cooked perfectly and topped with homemade caesar dressing, parmesan cheese, and homemade croutons. The reason we know that Provisions and Buzz Co. is such a high caliber, force to be reckoned with, restaurant is because of their ability to make something so simple, so delicious. That is the mark of a truly great restaurant.

The Meat And Potatoes Of It All

With the first two small plates that we were served, we were also served a cocktail paring with each one. Eric has a handcrafted cocktail to pair with almost everything on the menu. Ask about the recommended cocktail pairing with your order, Eric will be more than happy to give you his opinion; you should trust it. These guys really get it. Together, Dan and Eric form an unbeatable duo.

The Mars Mojito was our pairing for their Tomato and Burrata Salad. What a treat! This concoction of coconut rum, lime, and cucumber creates a mojito that is out of this world, hence the name. Trust us on this too, you want the cucumber. Eric explained to us that the cucumber is crucial for giving this mojito it’s banana like flavor. This is a cocktail you can easily drink all day, all summer long. Be sure to take a glance at their menu here and scope out your next order.

The small plates and their cocktail pairings were more than we had hoped for. Provisions and Buzz Co. came out swinging, so we knew we were in for a special treat the rest of our visit. Next up is one of our all-time favorite cuts of beef, the 14 oz New York Strip steak. This steak is smoked with cherry wood and perfectly seasoned with a bourbon demi-glace. We cannot stress this enough. The New York Strip was perfectly seasoned. There is a garnish of basil, and please know this, you want to eat the basil and steak together. The pairing is immaculate.

Among all their dishes one thing stands apparent, the palate responsible for these creations is one that would make the gods on Mount Olympus shed a tear. The steak has a cocktail pairing of it’s own. The Zapatero Old Fashioned. The sweet and smokey flavor you receive from this cocktail pairs perfectly with the seasoned smokey flavor from the New York Strip steak. This is a combination that will leave you wanting more on your ride home and for the next few days.

Seafood? Provisions And Buzz Co. Does That Too

We may be an hour from the beach but Provisions and Buzz Co. has outdone themselves in the area of seafood as well. The Mahi served over fried green tomatoes with a beet reduction is just what you need to satisfy that salt life craving you’ve had. The Mahi was cooked well but not over cooked and still moist. Not to mention how gorgeous it looks as do all the other dishes you’ll be fortunate enough to try.

After that we were served the Crab Cake sandwich, which has been signed off on by a Baltimore, Maryland native. Everything about this sandwich is good. The bun, the crab cake, the sauce, the toppings, and the side of fries all play an important part in the creation of this meal.

This is one of the best crab cake sandwiches we have ever had. The Crab Cake sandwich also has it’s own signature cocktail, the Floradora. Another astounding creation from the bar, the Floradora is a blood orange gin-based cocktail that is sweet, sour, and bubbly all stuffed into a wine glass. We were so impressed that we had to give credit to Eric and we told him that this is the PERFECT drink for summer.

Please do you and your taste buds a favor, stop in for this cocktail and crab cake sandwich combo. We’re willing to bet that you forget all about the summer heat as you enjoy one of these bad boys on a hot July day. Mosey over to Baldwin Park and grab a seat at the wonderfully new variation of Provisions and Buzz Co. Just make sure you tell them that Park Ave Magazine sent you.

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