Sea Thai Orlando Is One Of The Best Thai Restaurants In Town

Sea Thai Orlando Is One Of The Best Thai Restaurants In Town

Sea Thai
is one of the best Thai restaurants in town. According to raving reviews online and multiple awards, that’s not a personal opinion but a fact; based on all of you who’ve professed your love of Sea Thai on the interwebs. Recently we had the pleasure of visiting Sea Thai for a food review and an even bigger pleasure of being served unbelievably delicious, traditional, Thai cuisine. Head Chef Tawa is a Food Network quality, extremely talented, chef. He serves up traditional Thai cuisine that is to die for and that’s what we’re here to talk about. If you fancy yourself some Thai food, keep reading and be absolutely sure that you visit Sea Thai for your next Thai meal.

The moment you walk in, you’re greeted with warm smiles and a welcoming atmosphere. What else would you expect in a Thai restaurant? Thailand is “the land of smiles” after all. The decor is modern and stylish, with ambient lighting that creates a chic and comfortable experience. The menu at Sea Thai is diverse and well-curated, featuring traditional Thai dishes with a fine dining feel and appearance. Not only that, but they have a sake, wine, and beer menu that will get you where you need to go after you clock out on a Friday afternoon.

The Menu Of One Of The Best Thai Restaurants In Town

As we said before, the Sea Thai menu is diverse and well-curated. We were very lucky to experience the Crispy Duck Salad, Prik King Soft Shell Crab, and Pad Thai. Chef Tawa really blew us away with his creative and pallet tantalizing flavor combinations. You can find your favorite Thai dish at Sea Thai; and if you ask nicely, they may prepare you something special that isn’t necessarily there.

The Crispy Duck Salad

Oh boy, do we love duck! Duck is one of the tastiest dishes you can order anywhere. Many of you may be familiar with Peking Duck. Similarly prepared to duck you may have had before, due to its crispy nature, is the Crispy Duck Salad at Sea Thai Orlando. This is created with Crispy duck, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, cilantro, chili paste & lime juice. This is an extremely flavorful dish. The duck is tossed in the most flavorful sauce created by Chef Tawa, then mixes with the juice from the duck, add in the crispy bits and you’ve got a winner on your hands. You’re in for a really special treat if you decide to order this item off the menu. It’s something we would highly recommend you try. You’ll quickly learn why the Crispy Duck Salad is the #1 most popular item on the menu.

Prik King Softshell Crab

We really love crab as well as duck. However, we’ve never had softshell crab before this trip and we have to say that we’re definitely fans of it now. The Prik King Softshell Crab is Crispy soft-shell crab with dried curry, shrimp fat sauce, & green beans. This is the #3 most popular item on the Sea Thai menu and for good reason. The crispy, crunchy crab with the sauce created from the curry and shrimp fat sauce combines into the most beautiful flavor combination. Believe us, you won’t want to put it down. If seafood is your game, this is a must-have dish from on of the best Thai restaurants in town. You won’t be disappointed.

We Can’t Forget The Pad Thai

Wow! It’s just one homerun after another at Sea Thai Orlando. It really is no wonder why they’re one of the best Thai restaurants in town. You’ll know exactly what we mean when you go for a visit. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill Pad Thai. This is of much higher quality and superbly executed by Chef Tawa and his team. The Pad Thai consists of thin rice noodles with egg, bean sprouts, chives, and peanuts topped with large grilled prawns. Be sure to squeeze on some lime juice so you can enjoy your meal as intended. You’ll be hit in the face with flavor and you’ll definitely be coming back for more after your first bite of this Pad Thai.

If You’re Looking For Drinks

Sea Thai has you covered. With an extensive list of sake, wine, and beer, Sea Thai has everything you need for a night out or for unwinding after a long, hard week at work.

How Can I Order?

You need to, you must visit Sea Thai Orlando. However, if you can’t make your way over to Sea Thai, you can easily have Sea Thai brought to you. Sea Thai is serving up deliveries most of the day through Uber Eats and Door Dash. This makes eating some of the best Thai food in town easier than ever before.

Stay Up To Date With Sea Thai

Be sure you follow Sea Thai on their social media pages to see what new and inspiring dishes Chef Tawa is serving up at Sea Thai Orlando. Have a look at their impeccable plates and see what others are saying about Sea Thai. As if you needed any other reasons to pay them a visit.

Sea Thai is a must-visit restaurant for anyone looking for authentic Thai cuisine in Orlando. With it’s diverse menu, commitment to using fresh ingredients, and top-notch service, it’s easy to see why this restaurant has become a favorite among locals and tourists alike. Sea Thai has something for everyone.

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