The Badass Lady Gang -New Free Fitness on Park Ave

The Badass Lady Gang Is A Free Fitness Movement Created To Connect, Support, And Empower Women To Get Active In Ways That Empower Them.

Never run a day in your life? COME RUN WITH US.
Hate the gym? COME RUN WITH US.
Have a fear of being dropped because of your pace? COME RUN WITH US.
Need an escape from the stresses of everyday life? COME RUN WITH US.
Struggling to find friends and meaningful relationships? COME RUN WITH US.
Do you hate running? RUN WITH US.

The Badass Lady Gang leads an inspiring movement right on Park Ave on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month at 6:45pm at the fountain across from LuluLemon. BALG is a free fitness movement and community created by Kelly Roberts to connect, support, and empower women to get active in ways that empower them. All paces and faces are welcome! We also have our biggest day of the year coming up, Global Sports Bra Squad Day, on July 13th. We will be hosting a free meetup run around Lake Baldwin. The #SportsBraSquad started as a way for women to ditch their shirts, along with their insecurities, and redefine how we see strength. But ditching your shirt for the first time can be terrifying! That’s why on July 13th, Sports Bra Squads all over the world will be hosting group runs and workouts so you can feel safe and supported while you get sweaty with women of all shapes and sizes.

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