Recycle Election Signs Into Fuelcubes
The City of Winter Park is encouraging its citizens to recycle election signs and election sign stands. Throughout Winter Park, Orlando, and Orange County, officials are asking residents to recycle election signs and stands. The hope is to turn the recycled signs and stands into energy.
Winter Park officials stated that the recycling campaign will not only save signs from the landfill but could provide an alternative energy source. The old election signs and stands will be transferred to NuCycle Energy. NuCycle Energy is a recycling plant located in Hillsborough County.
The cities and counties are collecting the signs from citizen to be sure that they’re recycled correctly. It’s been stated that political election campaign signs are easily found all over the city. However, after the polls closed, a lot of the time the signs remain there. This causes pollution and brings harm to the environment. This is just one reason why the city is encouraging people to recycle their election signs and stands.
We Don’t Have The Manpower To Recycle Election Signs
According to city and county officials, we just don’t have the manpower to go through everybody’s garbage looking for recyclables. Especially now with the increased number of recyclables due to the election signs. This is the main reason that recyclable materials go directly to the landfills. You can see why this new initiative is so important.
Officials, cities, and counties will be collecting election campaign signs at the end of both the primaries and general elections this year. People can take their signs and stands to collection points to be disposed of throughout Central Florida.
The only requirement for people is to take the metal stake and remove it from the bottom of the election sign. You will be able to place them into a designated crate. Then you can open the recycle bin and put the metal stakes into it.
NuCycle Will Recycle Election Signs
NuCycle Energy will begin transforming the signs and stands into the company’s designed Enviro-Fuelcubes. According to NuCycle, each cube is similar to a piece of coal, and those cubes can be used in power generation or cement manufacturing as a cleaner form of energy. The Fuelcubes produce less emissions than coal when burned. The Fuelcubes also produce less pollution that had the materials ended up in a landfill.
This campaign originated a few years ago, back in 2020. After the November 2020 campaign season, the initiative collected and recycled more than 15,000 signs from Winter Park, and surrounding areas, according to city officials.
Winter Park, by itself, saw over 15,000 signs collected. Since the partnership began with Orlando and Orange County, in a total of all their sites, there were over 22,000 signs. This equates to over 4,000 pounds of recyclable materials.
The Sustainability Division in Winter Park reported that people can continue to drop off signs for the election primaries until Sept. 6 at 12:00 PM. After that, the initiative will begin again during the general elections season from Nov. 4 – 23, 2022.
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