This Mother brightens her neighborhood during the pandemic with incredible and humourous sidewalk chalk art. This wonderful woman brings some of the most popular childhood characters to life.
A neighborhood Floridian Mother shines during pandemic using her sidewalk to help the world glow a little brighter through this frustrating pandemic. Prepared with a stick of chalk, this mommy brought out the humor of the pandemic with some of the most popular and beloved cartoon characters such as Batman, the little mermaid and characters from Finding Nemo. “Laughter is the best medicine,” Casey Drake said. “We could all use a little bit of humor right now, I think.”
The humor behind the scenes
The mother of two and former science teacher has drawn about six different characters and counting.”I had seen on Facebook some other people using chalk drawings with like uplifting messages,” She says. But her drawings have a slightly different message to them that touch base on things that have been and still are being experienced through the pandemic. One of Drake’s creations for example shows the little mermaid sitting onto a pile of toilet paper. Another popular art piece by Drake includes a drawing of Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz along with her famous phrase “There’s no place like home” only in this drawing, Casey Drake took creative freedom to add “Seriously, stay home” in reference to how important it is for the states to follow the stay at home orders.
Social Distancing
Some of her more popular pieces promote social distancing. This pandemic has been a huge struggle for a lot of us and social distancing is making it even worse. I bet all of us can agree on that. So Drake drew a few humorous drawings including Rapunzel looking out from her tower. The Arizona native also recreated a popular comic-book style Batman meme revealed what happens when robin steps to close to him when trying to shake hands. Nudging at the idea of the “6 feet apart rule”.
“Hopefully, without making light of the situation too much,” she said about her artistic humor. “’Cause it is very serious but at the same time we all have to survive day-to-day.”
For this former teacher, drawing has been bringing her some comfort while trying to stay safe from the virus. “It’s kind of therapeutic especially when your stuck inside all day. We need a mental break every once and a while from this,” she said. Mrs.Drake also looks at her drawings as a form of therapy and gives others a sense of joy, too. “I know some people are sewing masks and donating things so even though this isn’t as important as those things, it still has a role, “she said. “If somebody can just smile as they’re walking down the street and for the second kind of break out of the sadness of the moment and the fear, I think that’s a win.”
Drake says her next drawing will be about an 80′s classic movie Back to the Future. What do you guys think this creative mommy of three will draw next?
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