How To Handle Back To School Stress | 2022

How To Handle Back To School Stress | 2022

School has begun for another year. The stress associated with back-to-school time has become an increasingly alarming concern. To help you cope with the new back-to-school stress, we thought we would teach you a few tips on how to handle back to school stress. Back-to-school time is a family transition. One minute you are in summer mode, and then next minute you’re schedule hectic as you return to back-to-school mode. A variety of stressors reemerge to plague the whole household, parents, and children alike.

Pay Attention For Signs Of Anxiety And Stress

Adults usually can tell when they are feeling anxious and stressed. As parents it’s crucial to recognize the signs of stress in kids and teens. Signs can include sleeping difficulties, migraines, upset stomach, and behavioral changes. The first step to helping your child with school stress is to listen to what’s going on in their lives. Try to have casual discussions over dinner, when taking them to school activities or for younger children, when putting them to bed. If your student isn’t vocal about their thoughts and feelings, look for non-verbal cues, or trust your gut if your child just doesn’t seem to be themselves.

How To Handle Homework

If this is the first year that your student has homework take time to discuss the work with your child. Discuss what it is, when it is due, and help them create a plan of how to finish the work. Set small tasks for each day. Letting them learn to manage their workload efficiently will help them succeed in school and life. For older kids, set a plan or schedule for each week.

Routines Help With Back To School Stress

Everyone, young or old, tend to thrive with a consistent schedule. Before the school year, plan the weekly morning and evening routines and do your best to stick to it. Obviously, situations will arise that will throw a wrench into your plans but do your best to get back on track as soon as possible. When the entire family is on the same page, and knows what is expected, it helps cancel out chaos and stress. Every weekend, plan for the week ahead. Keep track of appointments, extracurriculars, playdates, meetings, and even downtime. By writing everything down, you’re more likely to stick to your plan. When you’re not stressed, you’re more likely to give your children the attention they require. Consistency and boundaries can help ease worry, anxiety, and stress.

Reduce Screen Time To Help With Back To School Stress

Most teens, children, and even toddlers often can’t stop staring at their smartphone, iPad or other device. Devices consume their attention by buzzing, beeping, blinking, and notifications. The abundance of content making its way into our schools, homes, and workplaces in this day and age is reflected in all of our behaviors and attitudes. Every parent needs to decide what works for their family, but every family should have rules and restrictions about screens and devices. Set screen-free times of day like when the family has a meal together, or no devices after a certain time. Technology is great but it is essential to balance screen time. Kids need time away from their screens and time to socialize in person.

Don’t Forget To Relax

Activities are great for everyone, regardless of ag. However, it is just as important, if not more so, for each person to have time to relax. Downtime can help reduce stress and anxiety. Take time to practice self-care and help your kids do this as well. Exercising, reading, jogging, arts, and for children, play. All of these activities help human beings relax and wind down.

Communication is key. A good sense of family communication will improve the functionality of most households. Keep everyone on the same page, this will help to ease some of the back-to-school stress that most families encounter.

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