Autism Speaks Walk is the world’s largest fundraising event to enhance the lives of people with autism today and accelerate a spectrum of solutions for tomorrow. Autism Speaks Central Florida Walk 2022 brings together people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers who support them. Funds raised help fuel innovative research and make connections to critical lifelong supports and services. Begin your fundraising today: REGISTER for the Autism Speaks Central Florida Walk.
Autism Speaks Walk is the world’s largest autism fundraising event dedicated to supporting the needs of people with autism and their families throughout their life’s journey. The Autism Speaks Walk brings together people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers in a network of friendship and support. Funds raised help fuel innovative research, advocacy, and critical programs and services. Together, we are creating a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential.
Understanding and Acceptance
Research Breakthroughs
Screening and Intervention
Transition to Adulthood
Information and Services