Join us in Thornton Park District for a fun night of displaying, creating, and selling your creations at the Thornton 2nd Thursday Wine and Art Walk
For inquiries about future events or questions about how to vend, please email us at TPDartevents@gmail.com.
If you are an artist or vendor who knows they would like to participate, please apply here:
✔️What we are looking for:
Paintings, drawings, photography, mixed media, pottery, sculpture, illustrations, prints, jewelry, crafts, wood worked items, handmade anything pretty much, etc.
✔️All items being displayed and/or sold must be made by the vendor or by an artist that is represented by the person at the table. There is no buy/sell merchandise allowed. That means that you cannot bring items that you bought to resell.
✔️Set up starts at 4:30pm. The event is 6:30-9:30pm. If you are an artist and click “attending” on this event invite, you must please confirm with our market curator Hanna by email or via the application that you would like to participate in this event.
It is $15 to set up. Please send in your payment ahead through Paypal to AtlasVendorsTPD@gmail.com.
You will have a 10-foot-wide space on the sidewalks in front of businesses. There are some spaces that can fit a tent. If you use a tent, there has to be space for people to walk through the tent because it will be on a sidewalk. Not all spaces have access to power. You must provide all of your own setup materials. Please be mindful of your surroundings and respect the businesses that are allowing us to do this by keeping your area clean.
✔️Suggestions of things to set up with are as follows:
Tables, easels, tablecloths, tents, walls for displaying art, extension cords, power strips, duct tape to tape down your extension cords, plug-in lights, battery-powered lights, generators, your creations, promotional materials, something to work on, etc.
✔️Day of the event, meet Hanna at The Falcon (corner of Washington St. and Hyer Ave.) to answer any questions. A map will be provided ahead of the event.
✔️Where is the walk located?
The walk is from Washington St. and Hyer Ave., down Washington St. to Summerlin Ave., Down Summerlin Ave. to Central Blvd., and down Central Blvd. to Osceola Ave. and back. The place where the patrons pick up their cups to do the Wine Walk changes to a different business every month. And everyone walks the entire event regardless of where it starts!
✔️About the event:
Thornton Park District is a Nationally
Accredited Main Street. The Thornton 2nd Thursday Wine & Art Walk is put on and sponsored by Thornton Park District an entity made possible through the interest, efforts, and generosity of the Orlando Main Street program as well as our many members and volunteers.