Central Florida Vocal Arts Education is thrilled to offer a one-day College Audition Workshop CFVA for high school juniors and seniors preparing for college auditions in classical and musical theatre specialties. Participants will enjoy sessions that focus on vocal health, yoga for performers, resumé building, and pre-screen video best practices. We will also present two master classes with a Musical Theatre and Classical industry professional, respectively, offering invaluable performance and observation opportunities. The day will culminate in a mock audition portion, with a live accompanist, in which the students will receive written and verbal feedback from vocal professionals.
Re-Imagining the Future of Vocal Arts Innovative, Inclusive, Diverse
Central Florida Vocal Arts and Opera del Sol exist to create a better Central Florida community through arts education, performance and appreciation.
We are re-imagining the future of vocal arts.
Central Florida Vocal Arts is a non-profit music advocacy organization dedicated to providing the highest quality training to young artists, while also providing performance opportunities to currently emerging artists of all ages. We are creating a continuing life cycle for the vocal arts in Central Florida through a three step model. The first step, Education and Training, introduces young artists to the arts.
Through our educational initiatives, we develop students’ talent, passion, and confidence. Next, our Mainstage Productions provide a transition period for students ages 8-18 and pre-professional adults to emerge on stage alongside local professional artists. Our life cycle culminates with Opera del Sol, offering innovative productions in unexpected places and challenging perceptions of who the operatic performer and audience members are and what defines the genre as a whole.